Ask Needl

Ask Needl

Ask Needl is like your personal AI research analyst. Ask any question in natural language, pick a data source, and get summarized answers with citations.

Knowledge retrieval from your preferred data sources, especially proprietary data - should be a breeze. Ask Needl saves that time - finds answers from your data so you don't have to.

Ask Needl works on 3 data formats:

  1. Home
  2. Feeds
  3. Documents

Follow these steps to learn how to use Ask Needl on all these data formats.

Video Tutorial đź“˝

  • Home: Click on the Ask Needl icon located near the search bar
  • The Ask Needl modal will pop up, Choose either option to search within My Data, consisting of all the apps, websites, and exchanges connected to your account. Or you can search within Needl Web a repository of all websites present in
  • Once you've chosen the data option, select a category from the dropdown menu from where you want the results to appear, and then type your question. For example, here, we are selecting US capital markets as the category and the question is What acquisitions has Pfizer made recently?
  • Every answer comes with citations to the original source(s). You can hover over the citation numbers to know more. If you want to see the original content, you can click on the citation, and it will take you directly to the source
  • Click the “Share” button to share the answers with your peers on multiple channels like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc
  • Click the Save to note button to save the answers as Needl notes
  • The answers will be saved as notes in a notebook named Ask Needl in Needl notes
  • Feeds: Use Ask Needl within feeds. Begin by navigating to the Feeds section, select your preferred feed, and click on the Ask Needl icon
  • Select a category from the dropdown menu from where you want the results to appear, and then type your question. For example, here, we are selecting US capital markets as the source and the question is What acquisitions has Alphabet made recently?
  • If you want to know more, you can check the citations for extra information. You can look at the preview and visit the source, using the same steps as above
  • Documents: Use Ask Needl on your documents. Navigate to My Data and open a document from Exchanges tab, or any other category
  • Once the document is open, click on the Ask Needl icon
  • Ask any question, check answers, and refer to citations following the standard steps mentioned above


Can I share answers with others?
Is there any limitation on the number of questions to be asked?
What are sources?
What if there is no answer to a question?
What is the broom icon next to categories?